Sunday, April 18, 2010

More bones, emoticons, and intellect

New episodes of Bones can be found @ 8 pm on FOX.

The newest (sort of), best (definitely) way to express emotions on the internet.
Which is better:
a) :D
b) i am super happy

A! is the answer...unless you like typing words or just somehow hate emoticons.

One of my friends are really smart, she's known for it! But she is really annoyed by that. Some of my friends (really just one or 2) are now treating me like that. PLEASE STOP!!!!!


Ta-ta for now!

Monday, April 5, 2010

First Blog

Hola People!
This is my very first post on my very first blog! I really doubt I will be able to update/stay dedicated to this for long though....
I'm watching Bones! A very awesome TV show (murder mystery), way better than NCIS and perhaps CSI. The picture to the left is not as good as I wanted, but it's good enough. If you want to watch, it's on TNT weeknights from 7-9 (and sometimes 10) PM.
Ummmmm....that's all for now! bYe!!!! :D