Sunday, August 7, 2011

How much you wanna bet....

Now that I think about it, there is a great chance this blog will die by September....again. 

Okay, that's out of the way. I co-wrote a very random and spazzy post with my friend the other day, you can find it on her blog:

Hmm...the whole reason for this post was because I am bored....

I will now review the book Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes (my required reading for school). 

Don Quixote was long. Very long. I also constantly needed a dictionary by my side. 
But for some odd reason, by the end, I was sad that it ended. 

I had actually enjoyed the book. 

For my fellow classmates, many of you will probably think, "What, that is preposterous! IT WAS BORING!"

Well, it wasn't. C'mon. 

A crazy, determined old man with poor armor sets out into the world on his old horse trying to find adventure with a simple-minded, always-hungry squire. He runs into many who drub and/or mock him. He chases giants (cough, cough, *windmills and wine-skins*), battles any who dare question the awesomeness of his Dulcinea, is "enchanted" several times, fights for love, spreads wisdom, gives laughs, jousts other "knights", and even faces an actual lion.  

In my opinion, by the end, you can't help but love Don Quixote.