Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Red Pyramid

Percy Jackson, the main character of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians (pic to the left) series. Books that you may enjoy, or not (you know which side you're on). But alas, the series has ended. Though many are just starting or finishing the series, Rick Riordan fans are craving more.

Perhaps he needed a new scene. Greek and/or Roman mythology have been dominating the literary world for centuries. But now a new culture will rise and be known by the youth (or anyone who cares to read it), Egypt (beautiful pic in the upper right). With the end of the empire, around 30 B.C./C.E. with the Romans dominating, Egypt was overshadowed. While many study Egypt culture and its mummies, tombs, hieroglyphics, etc., the youth knows little about it's myth. They many learn for a couple months at school, but memories fade.

Rick Riordan makes these myths more widely known through the Kane children, main characters of his book, The Red Pyramid (the awesome picture at the top of page, center stage). This is the first book in the series The Kane Chronicles.

I have read this book and absolutely love it. If you want the slightest clue as to what it is, in the words of a good friend, I say, "GOOGLE IT!"