Sunday, August 7, 2011

How much you wanna bet....

Now that I think about it, there is a great chance this blog will die by September....again. 

Okay, that's out of the way. I co-wrote a very random and spazzy post with my friend the other day, you can find it on her blog:

Hmm...the whole reason for this post was because I am bored....

I will now review the book Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes (my required reading for school). 

Don Quixote was long. Very long. I also constantly needed a dictionary by my side. 
But for some odd reason, by the end, I was sad that it ended. 

I had actually enjoyed the book. 

For my fellow classmates, many of you will probably think, "What, that is preposterous! IT WAS BORING!"

Well, it wasn't. C'mon. 

A crazy, determined old man with poor armor sets out into the world on his old horse trying to find adventure with a simple-minded, always-hungry squire. He runs into many who drub and/or mock him. He chases giants (cough, cough, *windmills and wine-skins*), battles any who dare question the awesomeness of his Dulcinea, is "enchanted" several times, fights for love, spreads wisdom, gives laughs, jousts other "knights", and even faces an actual lion.  

In my opinion, by the end, you can't help but love Don Quixote.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Photos

I forgot to mention I've also been taking a lot of photos....

Hello Internet!

My lame reason why I've been gone? Eighth Grade.

Oh sure, it doesn't sound THAT bad...
But this was the year I decided to actual do extracurricular activities...

I had 13 subjects.... THIRTEEN!
Can you imagine having EIGHT finals all within a week????

Now you ask, what about the rest of the school year?
Homework. Projects (e.g. Claymation for history). Essays. Latin Club (which -- believe it or not -- was fun). Science Olympiad. Dances. Being with Friends. :)

Now, it is summer and I'm not doing much.

I finished all 105 problems of my summer math (with the scary title of "Entering Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry") and read most of summer reading (3/2 of "you get to pick out of this list" books and half of the required reading).

I'm volunteering at the Northborough Library almost 4 times a week for usually two hours at a time.

I'm learning to cook.

The rest of the time....Not much done.

So I'll revive this blog.

First of all (my priorities are messed up, okay?): Merlin, a British TV show about the great wizard's youth*. Sure, the story is messed up a bit. But I love it. (Just make sure you actually KNOW Arthurian legend BEFORE... or look like a complete idiot when you try to show off your "knowledge".)
Seasons one and two are on Netflix (you must have an account and pay) and Hulu (which is free!).
Season three.... (pick an episode, search links, pick either Megavideo or can watch for free for 60-72 minutes, then you have to wait for an hour or so before you can watch more...for free; btw, ignore any popup ads)

If you hate the show, then don't complain to me!
Grumble all you want, fans aren't going to listen. (Trust me, with any show, there are fans that will never listen, no matter how long you try to bash it into their brain.) I said, not much going on this summer. ;)
(Plus, it's about 1 AM; Good Night...Good Morning? Whatever. :P )

Saturday, September 4, 2010


SCHOOL IS HERE! so much hw...(well it's mainly signing and readin stuff...but still!)
and i don't wanna discuss it. just see my friend's post at ...I est to lazy to type it all...
So...Hurricane Earl....raged against the coast (i think) and made it a bit windy and rainy much panic over something so little (here in central mass.)....Fail to all inland people. :P
woot! now i gtg do the hw i was assigned.... great.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


You can't do anything under the age of 15!
I want to volunteer at an animal shelter...but the minimum ages are 15-18 years old!
I don't get an allowance and feel bad when buying stuff (that I don't really need) over $ I want to make my own money...But guess what age I have to be? 15!
I get the job thing, but I really want to volunteer! Sigh....

Anyway, all that googling let me see a bunch of good shelters. If you want a pet or need to give up your pet check out these shelters (they are no-kill shelters):

Sigh.... / FINALLY!

Only 2 whole days (not including today) of summer left.... School is almost here....

But is also a kind of YAY! because how many of you were completely bored and friendless this summer? A LOT!
At least at school, you get to see your friends every day and aren't completely bored (well...except in math...and other various boring classes ;] ).

Oh well....

To my friends: Can't wait to see you guys!
To Math and other various boring classes: Go. Away. Please.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

ANOTHER movie...

Everyone's heard about the new movie, "Vampires Suck". Everyone wants to see it (because it makes fun of Twilight! :D). Listen up everybody!
"Vampires Suck" sucked. Immensely. To some people, it was hilarious. To was a flop. Overrated. Bland. Corny. Stupid. You get the picture. The best scenes you will ever see are in the commercials.
You can see it if you:
a) don't believe me,
b) wanna judge it for yourself, or
c) want to waste money and/or time.
Not my favorite summer movie....
ok....that's it...l8trs!