Saturday, August 28, 2010


You can't do anything under the age of 15!
I want to volunteer at an animal shelter...but the minimum ages are 15-18 years old!
I don't get an allowance and feel bad when buying stuff (that I don't really need) over $ I want to make my own money...But guess what age I have to be? 15!
I get the job thing, but I really want to volunteer! Sigh....

Anyway, all that googling let me see a bunch of good shelters. If you want a pet or need to give up your pet check out these shelters (they are no-kill shelters):


  1. Ya, i have to agree just cuz we're young doesn't mean we're incapable, I mean we go to AMSA for crying out loud, that oughta be worth something!!!

  2. I agree, at least allow people to volunteer. I mean, I thought they want volunteers. I would be letting anybody help out who's at least 9 or 10, and even younger than that. They could clean up the area, for example. Many useful things people can do at almost any age!
