Saturday, August 21, 2010

ANOTHER movie...

Everyone's heard about the new movie, "Vampires Suck". Everyone wants to see it (because it makes fun of Twilight! :D). Listen up everybody!
"Vampires Suck" sucked. Immensely. To some people, it was hilarious. To was a flop. Overrated. Bland. Corny. Stupid. You get the picture. The best scenes you will ever see are in the commercials.
You can see it if you:
a) don't believe me,
b) wanna judge it for yourself, or
c) want to waste money and/or time.
Not my favorite summer movie....
ok....that's it...l8trs!


  1. huh, never even saw a commercial for it. See u Wed.

  2. I saw the commercial a couple of times and thought it would be very popular (because of the huge number of haters of twilight), but apparently not. Thanks for the warning! :D
