Saturday, August 7, 2010


August. A month that is both loved and hated.

  • Hottest month = perfect time to go to the pool, beach, etc.
  • All your friends start coming back from their vacations! YAY!
  • It's. Too. Freakin'. Hot.
  • About 10 pounds of sand in my swimsuit...
  • Too many people @ the pool...WHEN WILL THEY LEAVE??!
  • School's coming...freaking out because now you have to worry about clothes, supplies, and the summer work you were supposed to do earlier.
  • School's coming. period.
Ummm....that's it....I was bored.... :)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting... :) Today is the last day I'll be seing my cousin from CO :(, so I'll be around a lot more :)
