Sunday, July 25, 2010

more movies!

Hi people!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love movies (as u already know), and have 2 more u NEED to see!

  • Despicable Me: very funny and touching....fave quote from it: "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!"
  • The Sorcerer's Apprentice: I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! ok sure, they may have done something some people don't like (ask if u want to know what it is), but i thought it was nice. Plus, I love the main song in here: "Secrets" by OneRepublic. (Listen to it!!!!) also, i could NOT find a good what u see here is unfortunately what u get.....
Pics from: (sorcerer's apprentice is first)

that's all for now...byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)


  1. May I be the first to ask, wat did they do that people didn't like, copy some scenes from Fantasia? I haven't been to any movies in FOREVER!

  2. some people didn't like that they kinda copied the old mickey mouse scene with the mops...
