Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ummm.... NO TITLE! (again)

I saw The Last Airbender yesterday! So good! If you watched the cartoon (from Nickelodeon, above), you know a lot more. By the way.... this movie is only the first! (If you want to know how many more there are, just let me know! Also, I REALLY want to talk about it, so if u see it, (and i know u) TELL ME! AND IM ME! OR EMAIL!)

Have you people noticed I added quotes to the quote list? I hope you did!


I got a new haircut and new glasses!

That's it!




  1. Cool! What do your glasses look like?

  2. uh...kinda boring. gray. but, unlike my old glasses, they don't slide down my face a lot and don't seem to crushing my head like a nut in a nutcracker. :)
