Saturday, August 28, 2010


You can't do anything under the age of 15!
I want to volunteer at an animal shelter...but the minimum ages are 15-18 years old!
I don't get an allowance and feel bad when buying stuff (that I don't really need) over $ I want to make my own money...But guess what age I have to be? 15!
I get the job thing, but I really want to volunteer! Sigh....

Anyway, all that googling let me see a bunch of good shelters. If you want a pet or need to give up your pet check out these shelters (they are no-kill shelters):

Sigh.... / FINALLY!

Only 2 whole days (not including today) of summer left.... School is almost here....

But is also a kind of YAY! because how many of you were completely bored and friendless this summer? A LOT!
At least at school, you get to see your friends every day and aren't completely bored (well...except in math...and other various boring classes ;] ).

Oh well....

To my friends: Can't wait to see you guys!
To Math and other various boring classes: Go. Away. Please.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

ANOTHER movie...

Everyone's heard about the new movie, "Vampires Suck". Everyone wants to see it (because it makes fun of Twilight! :D). Listen up everybody!
"Vampires Suck" sucked. Immensely. To some people, it was hilarious. To was a flop. Overrated. Bland. Corny. Stupid. You get the picture. The best scenes you will ever see are in the commercials.
You can see it if you:
a) don't believe me,
b) wanna judge it for yourself, or
c) want to waste money and/or time.
Not my favorite summer movie....
ok....that's it...l8trs!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


August. A month that is both loved and hated.

  • Hottest month = perfect time to go to the pool, beach, etc.
  • All your friends start coming back from their vacations! YAY!
  • It's. Too. Freakin'. Hot.
  • About 10 pounds of sand in my swimsuit...
  • Too many people @ the pool...WHEN WILL THEY LEAVE??!
  • School's coming...freaking out because now you have to worry about clothes, supplies, and the summer work you were supposed to do earlier.
  • School's coming. period.
Ummm....that's it....I was bored.... :)