Sunday, July 25, 2010

more movies!

Hi people!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love movies (as u already know), and have 2 more u NEED to see!

  • Despicable Me: very funny and touching....fave quote from it: "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!"
  • The Sorcerer's Apprentice: I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! ok sure, they may have done something some people don't like (ask if u want to know what it is), but i thought it was nice. Plus, I love the main song in here: "Secrets" by OneRepublic. (Listen to it!!!!) also, i could NOT find a good what u see here is unfortunately what u get.....
Pics from: (sorcerer's apprentice is first)

that's all for now...byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

NO TITLE (I'm gettting really bad @ making titles!)

Would you people mind if I started posting some stuff from my notebook? I'm getting tired of just keeping it in there....cuz it doesn't stay there (in the notebook, above), it's still in my mind. I can't talk about it (I can do the written word. But....speaking. is. IMPOSSIBLE! It never comes out the way i want it to.). So I'll try to blog it.
Plus, i'm running out of things to blog about. and it's monday morning, nothing but cartoon reruns. So.....

Mackenzie gave me the idea. I kinda kept typing and typing on one of her posts (commenting), and realized, I can't keep this in anymore. It can't stay inside anymore. Or else, I won't have room for anything else. So I'm going to let it out...
10:00 PM
July 4, 2010

Today was Sunday*.
A day, for centuries, Christians gathered to celebrate and rejoice in God.
Most of those people have read and enjoyed the Bible.

My reading choice is based on two extremes:
pure fiction, fantasies that will most likely -- if never-- happen;
and pure fact; cold, hard, rational information.
I also like to read a combination of both: pure fiction with real facts embedded.

But religious readings --especially the Bible-- I don't seem interested by.
The reason is this:

Religion and science are seen as one of the major contrasts in the world.
Not to me.
The major contrasting ideas, for me, are: total fiction (as in, "this totally CANNOT happen") and total fact (as in, "this is totally true, there can be no other truth).
These two ideas are as different as night and day; as black and white.
This I like. My world feels in control when I know it's not.

But religion is tricky.
It depends on faith and trust in (my case) God. It means loyalty and honesty.

Religions seem to be like people sometimes.
People are not my fort`e. They are confusing, forever-changing, and doing what you least expect.
Unfortunately, I am a person.
A person born into the time religion and science may meet the climax of their never-ending battle.
A person who loves science and the wonders it brings and explains.
A person whose parents are somewhat religious.
A person whose grown in a community very diverse in religion.
A person who sees religion as neither fact nor fiction; neither black nor white.

Religion is a gray area. Something I don't like. My world the depends on those outer forces (whatever they are); something no one agrees upon; something I'm not sure to trust.

I don't think I deserve religion. I do not have the faith or trust; fidelity or honesty.

I'm just a confused kid living in a confused world.

*I didn't go to church today, got kinda yelled at.

5:40 PM
July 11, 2010

Today was Sunday (again).
This time I went to church...
Bad timing. (maybe...)

Today was all about emotional stability (something I'm pretty sure I lack);
How everything you do is caused by your emotions.
There are two main categories of emotions: postive and negative.
Negative is based on fear.
Positive is based on faith (or trust in God).

At church, I never close my eyes to pray anymore.
At church, I can't sing the hymns either.
All I can do is listen and be sorrowful.
I can't seem to do religion.
But I can't go against either.
I felt/feel like a complete outsider.

Ok, I feel better now.
Just tell me if you want more stuff from my notebooks. or if i told u one or two (you know who u are) you can request.

ok, i'm really sick of typing. BYE!

pic: took it myself via webcam :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ummm.... NO TITLE! (again)

I saw The Last Airbender yesterday! So good! If you watched the cartoon (from Nickelodeon, above), you know a lot more. By the way.... this movie is only the first! (If you want to know how many more there are, just let me know! Also, I REALLY want to talk about it, so if u see it, (and i know u) TELL ME! AND IM ME! OR EMAIL!)

Have you people noticed I added quotes to the quote list? I hope you did!


I got a new haircut and new glasses!

That's it!



Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ummm.... NO TITLE

Hi people!

I am yet again, somewhat bored. i'm not always bored (i'm serious, i'm not!), it's just in the morning, when my mind doesn't feel like working. Actually, i just get really bored on the computer (yeah, that does NOT make sense). So I blog.

Yeah, i know i'm late, but.... HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! what did i do....nothing as usual... our family had a BBQ, but we've had, like, 5 this summer already.... :D

I'M GOING TO THE BEACH! Not this week, not next week, early August (but i don't care, cuz I'M GOING TO THE BEACH!). It's in Maine, and called "Old Orchard", google it if you're bored. First time (that I can remember, i went when I was like 2 or 3) for me and my little sis (this is her VERY FIRST TIME!). YAY!

ok. now i'm kinda getting bored of posting a blog..... BYE!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


I love watching movies! I've seen a lot this summer....

  • Eclipse: ehhhh...... if u like twilight.....
Home (recommendation):

THE MUMMY MOVIES! (plus, if u know some background makes you feel so smart....☺)
  • The Mummy
  • The Mummy Returns
  • The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor - I just saw this today...loved it!
Movies I'm planning to see:
  • The Last Airbender: my sis and I loved the cartoon version on Nickelodeon, plus it's 3D...
  • Despicable Me: it seems to be a good movie...(pic of main character's "evil minions" above)
Pics (order = minions, mummy, toy story) from: