Saturday, September 4, 2010


SCHOOL IS HERE! so much hw...(well it's mainly signing and readin stuff...but still!)
and i don't wanna discuss it. just see my friend's post at ...I est to lazy to type it all...
So...Hurricane Earl....raged against the coast (i think) and made it a bit windy and rainy much panic over something so little (here in central mass.)....Fail to all inland people. :P
woot! now i gtg do the hw i was assigned.... great.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


You can't do anything under the age of 15!
I want to volunteer at an animal shelter...but the minimum ages are 15-18 years old!
I don't get an allowance and feel bad when buying stuff (that I don't really need) over $ I want to make my own money...But guess what age I have to be? 15!
I get the job thing, but I really want to volunteer! Sigh....

Anyway, all that googling let me see a bunch of good shelters. If you want a pet or need to give up your pet check out these shelters (they are no-kill shelters):

Sigh.... / FINALLY!

Only 2 whole days (not including today) of summer left.... School is almost here....

But is also a kind of YAY! because how many of you were completely bored and friendless this summer? A LOT!
At least at school, you get to see your friends every day and aren't completely bored (well...except in math...and other various boring classes ;] ).

Oh well....

To my friends: Can't wait to see you guys!
To Math and other various boring classes: Go. Away. Please.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

ANOTHER movie...

Everyone's heard about the new movie, "Vampires Suck". Everyone wants to see it (because it makes fun of Twilight! :D). Listen up everybody!
"Vampires Suck" sucked. Immensely. To some people, it was hilarious. To was a flop. Overrated. Bland. Corny. Stupid. You get the picture. The best scenes you will ever see are in the commercials.
You can see it if you:
a) don't believe me,
b) wanna judge it for yourself, or
c) want to waste money and/or time.
Not my favorite summer movie....
ok....that's it...l8trs!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


August. A month that is both loved and hated.

  • Hottest month = perfect time to go to the pool, beach, etc.
  • All your friends start coming back from their vacations! YAY!
  • It's. Too. Freakin'. Hot.
  • About 10 pounds of sand in my swimsuit...
  • Too many people @ the pool...WHEN WILL THEY LEAVE??!
  • School's coming...freaking out because now you have to worry about clothes, supplies, and the summer work you were supposed to do earlier.
  • School's coming. period.
Ummm....that's it....I was bored.... :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

more movies!

Hi people!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love movies (as u already know), and have 2 more u NEED to see!

  • Despicable Me: very funny and touching....fave quote from it: "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!"
  • The Sorcerer's Apprentice: I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! ok sure, they may have done something some people don't like (ask if u want to know what it is), but i thought it was nice. Plus, I love the main song in here: "Secrets" by OneRepublic. (Listen to it!!!!) also, i could NOT find a good what u see here is unfortunately what u get.....
Pics from: (sorcerer's apprentice is first)

that's all for now...byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

NO TITLE (I'm gettting really bad @ making titles!)

Would you people mind if I started posting some stuff from my notebook? I'm getting tired of just keeping it in there....cuz it doesn't stay there (in the notebook, above), it's still in my mind. I can't talk about it (I can do the written word. But....speaking. is. IMPOSSIBLE! It never comes out the way i want it to.). So I'll try to blog it.
Plus, i'm running out of things to blog about. and it's monday morning, nothing but cartoon reruns. So.....

Mackenzie gave me the idea. I kinda kept typing and typing on one of her posts (commenting), and realized, I can't keep this in anymore. It can't stay inside anymore. Or else, I won't have room for anything else. So I'm going to let it out...
10:00 PM
July 4, 2010

Today was Sunday*.
A day, for centuries, Christians gathered to celebrate and rejoice in God.
Most of those people have read and enjoyed the Bible.

My reading choice is based on two extremes:
pure fiction, fantasies that will most likely -- if never-- happen;
and pure fact; cold, hard, rational information.
I also like to read a combination of both: pure fiction with real facts embedded.

But religious readings --especially the Bible-- I don't seem interested by.
The reason is this:

Religion and science are seen as one of the major contrasts in the world.
Not to me.
The major contrasting ideas, for me, are: total fiction (as in, "this totally CANNOT happen") and total fact (as in, "this is totally true, there can be no other truth).
These two ideas are as different as night and day; as black and white.
This I like. My world feels in control when I know it's not.

But religion is tricky.
It depends on faith and trust in (my case) God. It means loyalty and honesty.

Religions seem to be like people sometimes.
People are not my fort`e. They are confusing, forever-changing, and doing what you least expect.
Unfortunately, I am a person.
A person born into the time religion and science may meet the climax of their never-ending battle.
A person who loves science and the wonders it brings and explains.
A person whose parents are somewhat religious.
A person whose grown in a community very diverse in religion.
A person who sees religion as neither fact nor fiction; neither black nor white.

Religion is a gray area. Something I don't like. My world the depends on those outer forces (whatever they are); something no one agrees upon; something I'm not sure to trust.

I don't think I deserve religion. I do not have the faith or trust; fidelity or honesty.

I'm just a confused kid living in a confused world.

*I didn't go to church today, got kinda yelled at.

5:40 PM
July 11, 2010

Today was Sunday (again).
This time I went to church...
Bad timing. (maybe...)

Today was all about emotional stability (something I'm pretty sure I lack);
How everything you do is caused by your emotions.
There are two main categories of emotions: postive and negative.
Negative is based on fear.
Positive is based on faith (or trust in God).

At church, I never close my eyes to pray anymore.
At church, I can't sing the hymns either.
All I can do is listen and be sorrowful.
I can't seem to do religion.
But I can't go against either.
I felt/feel like a complete outsider.

Ok, I feel better now.
Just tell me if you want more stuff from my notebooks. or if i told u one or two (you know who u are) you can request.

ok, i'm really sick of typing. BYE!

pic: took it myself via webcam :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ummm.... NO TITLE! (again)

I saw The Last Airbender yesterday! So good! If you watched the cartoon (from Nickelodeon, above), you know a lot more. By the way.... this movie is only the first! (If you want to know how many more there are, just let me know! Also, I REALLY want to talk about it, so if u see it, (and i know u) TELL ME! AND IM ME! OR EMAIL!)

Have you people noticed I added quotes to the quote list? I hope you did!


I got a new haircut and new glasses!

That's it!



Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ummm.... NO TITLE

Hi people!

I am yet again, somewhat bored. i'm not always bored (i'm serious, i'm not!), it's just in the morning, when my mind doesn't feel like working. Actually, i just get really bored on the computer (yeah, that does NOT make sense). So I blog.

Yeah, i know i'm late, but.... HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! what did i do....nothing as usual... our family had a BBQ, but we've had, like, 5 this summer already.... :D

I'M GOING TO THE BEACH! Not this week, not next week, early August (but i don't care, cuz I'M GOING TO THE BEACH!). It's in Maine, and called "Old Orchard", google it if you're bored. First time (that I can remember, i went when I was like 2 or 3) for me and my little sis (this is her VERY FIRST TIME!). YAY!

ok. now i'm kinda getting bored of posting a blog..... BYE!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


I love watching movies! I've seen a lot this summer....

  • Eclipse: ehhhh...... if u like twilight.....
Home (recommendation):

THE MUMMY MOVIES! (plus, if u know some background makes you feel so smart....☺)
  • The Mummy
  • The Mummy Returns
  • The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor - I just saw this today...loved it!
Movies I'm planning to see:
  • The Last Airbender: my sis and I loved the cartoon version on Nickelodeon, plus it's 3D...
  • Despicable Me: it seems to be a good movie...(pic of main character's "evil minions" above)
Pics (order = minions, mummy, toy story) from:

Monday, June 28, 2010


Everyone is going somewhere and i'm just here. really bored. THANKS 4 ABANDONING ME!

yup, i'm just ranting here. it's only been 5 days of summer vacation, but it feels like 4ever already (i don't want school to start tho!) and it's getting hotter everyday! OMJ (old man jenkins) I'M SO BORED!

Need. Something. To. Do. Slowly. Dying. of. Boredom.
If. you're. my. friend. SAVE. ME.

hehe....overly dramatic.

well...i got nothing else to BYE!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

More blogs and SUMMER!

You people have got to stop making blogs!!!! Here's 2 more:
Today was my last day of school!!!!!!!! Yeah, yeah, yeah, all you other people got out first....hush up.
BUT did you have an AWESOME party on the last day???? I DON'T THINK SO!
Our school is awesome enough to rent out an ENTIRE sports facility (Fore Kicks) and just....have fun!
We had awesome music (EXCEPT justin bieber.... bleh....), tug-of-war, coffee-bean sack races, and just kinda wandered and had fun with friends (some of whom are leaving next year..... D: shame on you people *SLAP*).
But school does not end here.... D:
My math teacher gave us a MANDATORY, 125-PROBLEM packet and we have SUMMER READING (with super-lame and/or long prompts)!!!!!!!!!! UGH! Plus, we get back early, AUGUST 30.
Of course, being from Shrewsbury, I know what it's like. In the 5th or 6th grade we went back on August 27 or 28. So AMSAnites....cry a river, build a bridge, and GET OVER IT!
I came late to AMSA for 6th grade....i started school before most of you people (August 26-28....i'm not sure) and came out l8tr than everyone (that didn't go to amsa) in my town. I HAD THE LONGEST SCHOOL YEAR EVER!
Sweet summer....i'm probably gonna procrastinate on work until august (probably not...).

By the way, go outside and lay off the video games. BYEEEEE!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Celtics vs. Lakers & OTHER STUFF:


In other news, to the AMSA-nites, how many others notice the cliques and groups in our school?
  • the Gossips (aka only really care about their social life): You know their names, they have no idea who you are...even though you've been in their class the ENTIRE YEAR. They desperately can't wait to get out of AMSA (most).
  • Mega-nerds: you've seen them, no description needed.
  • In-betweens: those who befriend people from both groups and are the most normal students AMSA has to offer.
  • Weird, Spazzy, but AWESOME: can consist of mega-nerds, in-betweens, and the special class of uber weird and spazzy people. THESE ARE THE MOST AWESOME PEOPLE!
Where do you think you belong? (this section is inspired by

If you read my "about me" section, you can see I like listing random stuff, so here I go:
  • I repeat, bullet points are better than sentences
  • but i still have summer reading
  • some people go places
  • i plan to sleep in and kill bugs
  • the most interesting thing about Roman Emperor Valerian is his death (GOOGLE IT)
  • periods. after. every. word. make. you. pause. and. the. voice. weird. in. your. head.
  • one more thing....
Okay, my randomness is being depleted. Gotta go before its gone....BYE!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Blog Crazy

HI People!

My friends and I are discovering the joy of blogging! Check their blogs out:

Gotta go! (Blame my school! :P)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Red Pyramid

Percy Jackson, the main character of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians (pic to the left) series. Books that you may enjoy, or not (you know which side you're on). But alas, the series has ended. Though many are just starting or finishing the series, Rick Riordan fans are craving more.

Perhaps he needed a new scene. Greek and/or Roman mythology have been dominating the literary world for centuries. But now a new culture will rise and be known by the youth (or anyone who cares to read it), Egypt (beautiful pic in the upper right). With the end of the empire, around 30 B.C./C.E. with the Romans dominating, Egypt was overshadowed. While many study Egypt culture and its mummies, tombs, hieroglyphics, etc., the youth knows little about it's myth. They many learn for a couple months at school, but memories fade.

Rick Riordan makes these myths more widely known through the Kane children, main characters of his book, The Red Pyramid (the awesome picture at the top of page, center stage). This is the first book in the series The Kane Chronicles.

I have read this book and absolutely love it. If you want the slightest clue as to what it is, in the words of a good friend, I say, "GOOGLE IT!"

Sunday, April 18, 2010

More bones, emoticons, and intellect

New episodes of Bones can be found @ 8 pm on FOX.

The newest (sort of), best (definitely) way to express emotions on the internet.
Which is better:
a) :D
b) i am super happy

A! is the answer...unless you like typing words or just somehow hate emoticons.

One of my friends are really smart, she's known for it! But she is really annoyed by that. Some of my friends (really just one or 2) are now treating me like that. PLEASE STOP!!!!!


Ta-ta for now!

Monday, April 5, 2010

First Blog

Hola People!
This is my very first post on my very first blog! I really doubt I will be able to update/stay dedicated to this for long though....
I'm watching Bones! A very awesome TV show (murder mystery), way better than NCIS and perhaps CSI. The picture to the left is not as good as I wanted, but it's good enough. If you want to watch, it's on TNT weeknights from 7-9 (and sometimes 10) PM.
Ummmmm....that's all for now! bYe!!!! :D